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"I am not typically a huge fan of romance novels, but Acquiring Hearts made a believer out of me. It has a fast paced plot, well-developed and interesting characters, and it certainly kept me reading page after page. It took me only a day to read this book and it was definitely entertaining. It had everything; romance, comedy, heartache, crime, and more.I love that Gia is an independent woman with a career and a good head on her shoulders. Some of her decisions made my head spin, but hey, it certainly wasn't a boring read! I adored Brad from the gate. Sure, he is a total dream boat, but he is also a flawed character - and there is nothing I love more than a perfectly flawed character. Brad comes with baggage, but this only makes him a deeper character that one would expect to find in a debut novel.I loved this book and I cannot wait for S. Donahue's second book, Trusting Hearts, to come out. She left readers a teaser in the back of Acquiring Hearts, and it left me dying for more. She gives you just enough to leave you begging for more. C'mon S. Donahue! Give us more!"

-Amanda Haury, Philadelphia, PA


"S. Donahue did an amazing job bringing you into each scene by describing every detail. She even went as far as specifically pointing out products and brand names. I found myself immersed in each character. I pictured how they dressed, their facial expressions, how they walked and yes, I will admit to even picturing how Brad kissed."

-Jenni, Lacey, WA


"I really enjoyed this love story on how getting over you pass can be helped with the right person by your side. Gia had a hard time opening up her heart but Brad was on a mission to claim his love and show her she is the princesz and needs to let him prove it to her.Although he was laid back and struggling with his own demons he LOVED hard and pushed even harder to have Gia open up and let him in. He was a romantic and many men need to take lessons in how to WOO from him.This was a classic love story that will keep you wanted to know what would happen next. I can't wait for book 2."

-Mayas Sanders


"I bought book Aquiring Hearts about a week ago. I read the book in 2 days! It was the best book that I have read in a long time. It is very interesting and entertaining! It is one of those books that makes you feel like your a part of the story and you feel like you know the charecters personally! It's a book that you can't put down once you start reading it because you want to know what happens next! I was sorry to see the story end! I can't wait until Shannon writes another book because I will buy it as soon as it is available!"

-Janet Ettore Betteridge


"Simply amazing. A fairytale romance with a few little twists of excitement to keep you wondering what's going to happen next. The perfect combinations of good and bad characters to keep it from being too good to be true. Gia and Brad's story is one of passion and the author does a great job describing love scenes without going overboard but makes you all hot and bothered none the less. I see ice cubes in my future I would highly recommend this story to any lover of romance novels, especially those of you looking for a quick read. It took me about 2 hours to finish. I look forward to reading Rachel's story next."

-Windie Butera


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Positive Praise for Acquiring Hearts by S. Donahue

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